2 Weeks to Go to Register for the Open Schools Ski Championships!

Taking students on a ski trip can be a mixed experience, even for schools who have run an established ski trip for years. Some of our leaders have found that combining true beginners in the lower half of the school with their more experienced skiers can be tricky. Many of our international clients have some very experienced skiers in their group who would really benefit from a new physical and mental challenge.

New race event

If this sounds familiar, Club Europe’s new Open Schools Ski Championship might well be the answer! Specifically designed for schools who would like to offer a skiing event to their more advanced skiers, we are running a 4-day ski race camp in Austria in the Easter holidays in conjunction with Impulse and BISS racing.

Top level coaching

Your students will receive top-level coaching from experienced ski coaches, in classes of no more than 8. This will be led by race programme director Phil Brown, chair of the National Schools Snowsports Association and former head coach of the National Children’s Ski Team.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash (Victoire Joncheray)

Super slalom

The training days will include gate training, technical drills and all-mountain skiing. The final two days will be taken up with slalom, giant slalom and parallel slalom races – the ultimate way to ski head to head with your team mates! Races will be organised in age and gender categories, and students will be recognised for achievement and commitment.

Register now!

The deadline for registering your interest is 30th September. You can enter any number of students from a minimum of 4 accompanied by a teacher from the school.

Excited? Head over to our dedicated ski race page to register! Alternatively, call us on +44 208 772 6446 to talk to one of our experienced ski advisers. See you there!
